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The Fresh Avenue team is happy to announce their partnership with Modern Restaurant Management with the Keep it Fresh Webinar being held on Tuesday, June 9th at 2 PM Eastern / 11 AM Pacific.

The topic will cover strategies restaurants can use to manage inflation specifically with their produce programs. The webinar will be moderated by Barbara Castiglia, the managing editor of Modern Restaurant Management, with expert insight from Mark Vaughan and Brian Rooney of Fresh Avenue.

Some of the discussion will cover:

• Navigating Supplier Relationships
• Produce and LTO’s
• Using LTO’s Strategically
• Seasonality, Menu, and Produce

“For years, Modern Restaurant Management has been a rare asset to restaurants that I’ve enjoyed reading and have gained valuable insight. Our team has worked with Barbara with contributing our produce related insights, but I’m thrilled to further our work with her to bring more understanding of produce and the fresh supply chain to restaurateurs,” stated Mark Vaughan, managing partner of Fresh Avenue.

The webinar will cover an overview of produce management in restaurants including seasonality, menu ideation, shipping, streamlining, and logistics. The Fresh Avenue team also works with various business in foodservice and can provide insight into how to find and work with suppliers and distributors as well as managing an in-house produce program. Attendees can register for free to attend the webinar and can pre-submit any questions they have.

Modern Restaurant Marketing is an online publication featuring the insights of restaurant leadership and industry experts in foodservice and has hosted other informative events and webinars that help restaurants in specific areas such as produce. Fresh Avenue is a group of produce experts who work with foodservice providers to build comprehensive produce plans from sourcing, shipping, and in-market support to help ensure success and business growth in that category.

To register, fill out the online form here: https://www.freshavenue.com/keep-it-fresh-webinar. For more information on the webinar or with registration, please contact Amber Parrow at amber.parrow@freshavenue.com .