Brian’s career began during school in a grocery store produce department. It wasn’t long until he progressed from buyer, director of procurement, director of supply chain, and most recently, general manager of a regional fresh cut processor of a prepared foods company. He holds a MBA in business administration with a proven track record of significant business growth.
“Brian is the force that will further propel the mission of Fresh Avenue into the market. He comes to us with an extensive career in fresh foods with his knowledge and proven ability in operations and growth. We are pleased to have him on our team.” stated Mark Vaughan, managing partner.
Currently Brian is a member of the United Fresh Produce Association’s Fresh Cut Board and recently participated on a panel discussion about KPIs in the Cold Chain at the Global Cold Chain Expo in Chicago. His role with Fresh Avenue includes handling all procurement, logistics, consolidation, and forward distribution for the company’s producer partners.
“We are entering a very exciting time in our industry with so many different environmental factors coming into play; regulatory changes, technological advances, shifts in market demographics and consumer preferences, trade policy, all of which reinforce the need in the marketplace for innovative products and efficient ways to get those products to the customer. I’m excited to be joining the great team at Fresh Avenue and contributing positively to this mission, utilizing the experience I’ve been fortunate to have gained at many levels of the fresh food supply chain,” stated Brian Rooney.
For more information or to contact Brian, visit www.freshavenue.com, or email brian.rooney@freshavenue.com
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