Green Light Fresh
Green Light offers a full line of commodity produce items including green onions, cilantro, parsley, and more. There’s nothing like produce fresh from the field, and we get it shipped to you quickly so that freshness is passed on to your customers. We work with family farms that have been in operation for decades, offering traditional and specialty grown produce.
The Green Light Advantage
- Grown in California, Arizona, and Mexico (green onions)
- Trusted Growers
- Inspected for Quality & Safety in the Field
- Fully Customizable Pack Sizes
The Fresh Avenue Advantage
- In-Market Support of Green Light Products
- Add-On Fresh Cut Items
- Other Customized Procurement
- Delivered Programs
- Consolidation (Salinas, Yuma, & McAllen)
Green Light Fresh
Fresh Avenue’s U.S. Grown commodity label, cut and packed fresh in the field and ready to ship!